As a business owner, you most likely have a website that you use to promote your products or services. However, are you aware of how well your website is doing? Do you know how many people visit your website, where they come from, and what they do there? Google Analytics can help with this. In this article, we’ll go over Google Analytics’ fundamentals and how it may help you develop a better online marketing strategy.

Google Analytics: What is it?

Website traffic is tracked and reported using it, a free web analytics service. It gives you in-depth information about your website’s users, including their origins, activities, and length of stays.

What makes Google Analytics so important?

You can use Google Analytics to guide your website and online marketing decisions. You may pinpoint areas such as page speed, user experience, and content that require improvement by evaluating how visitors interact with your website. By improving the user experience for your visitors, you may encourage greater engagement as well as greater conversions.

How to Make Your Online Marketing Strategy Better Using Google Analytics

1. Setup Google Analytics

You must create a free account and add a tracking code to your website in order to use Google Analytics. This tracking code will gather information about the users of your website and transmit it to Google Analytics for analysis.

2. Analyze Your Traffic Sources

The ability of Google Analytics to trace the traffic sources to your website is one of its most crucial capabilities. This includes referral traffic, social media, paid search, email and online directories. You may determine which channels are bringing the most visitors to your website by studying this data and you can then modify the marketing strategy accordingly.

For instance, if you discover that social media is where the majority of your traffic is coming from, you might want to concentrate more on social media marketing to increase traffic to your website. On the other side, you might need to change your ad targeting or messaging if you discover that your sponsored search campaigns are not driving much traffic.

3. Monitor User Behavior

It offers comprehensive data about user behavior on your website. Included in this are statistics like bounce rate, time spent on the site and pages per session. By keeping an eye on these indicators, you may see parts of your website that might be driving users away or preventing them from engaging with your content.

As an example, you might need to speed up your site’s loading time or optimize your content if you notice that users are leaving after just a few seconds. Similarly, you might need to review your navigation or content organization if users aren’t clicking through to other pages on your website.

4. Analyze Your Audience Data

The potential of Google Analytics to evaluate audience data is an additional useful feature. Information about the people who visit your website, such as their age, gender, geography, and hobbies, is known as audience data. You may use this information to understand your audience better and determine how to focus your marketing efforts on them.

Let’s take the scenario where you manage a website that offers baby supplies. You use Google Analytics to study your audience data and find that most of the people who visit your website are urban-dwelling women between the ages of 25 and 34. With this knowledge, you can target this particular audience with customized marketing campaigns.

4.Track Conversions

Last but not least, It enables you to monitor conversions on your website, including form submissions, phone calls, and product transactions. You may refine your approach by identifying the marketing channels and campaigns that are leading to the greatest conversions through the tracking of these conversions.

For instance, you might want to boost your ad spend or change your ad targeting if you discover that the majority of your conversions are coming from sponsored search. This can help you generate even more conversions.


A strong tool for enhancing your online marketing approach is Google Analytics. Making data-driven decisions that will assist you in achieving your business objectives requires an awareness of how to use it to track website traffic, behavior, conversions and audience data. In order to stay at the top of your internet marketing game, make sure to frequently review and analyze your analytics data.

Contact BizFodge if you need assistance configuring and interpreting Google Analytics for your company. You may increase the effectiveness of Google Analytics and advance your online marketing plan with the help of our team of professionals.